  1. Rules for Visiting a Virtual Gambling Establishment
  2. Visitors to the virtual gambling establishment must not:

    1. Take part in games on the website if they are voluntarily or compulsorily restricted from visiting gambling establishments, virtual gambling establishments and from participating in gambling activities, as well as if they are under 21 (twenty-one) years old;
    2. Use software and/or hardware that affects the random outcome of the game or makes it possible to predict it;
    3. Share/disclose their credentials used to access the virtual gambling establishment to other visitors to the virtual gambling establishment, gambling participants;
    4. Use software or other means to obtain unauthorized access to the information of the gambling operator that maintains the virtual gambling establishment in order to destroy, block, modify, copy this information, as well as to perform other illegal activities therewith;
    5. Take part in an online betting game if such visitors to the virtual gambling establishment have or may have an impact on the outcome of the event under this game (impact on the random outcome of the game);
    6. Provide another visitor to the virtual gambling establishment or a gambling participant with funds / electronic money or an equivalent thereof (chips, tokens, etc.) to participate in a gambling game.
  3. Zolotoy Pharaoh LLC, being a gambling operator that maintains the virtual gambling establishment, has the right to refuse participation in a gambling game if a visitor at the virtual gambling establishment has previously violated the above rules, which was documented and confirmed.